    The first seminar with Tandoku kihon for Jo, 6-7 September 2014


We started on Saturday as usual in the Dojo in “Haga Parken”. It was a little different this time because Sensei Marshall finally got a little bit better from his pain and was a completely different trainer than the one we have seen for several years now. Very gratifying.

The entire Saturday we trained bunkai for Ritsuzen, Yuri and Hai. The training lasted until 17.30 and ended with a physical Suishu on a very small area.



On Sunday, we for the first time trained Yoshinken in OKKs new fine Dojo that is perfect for Kobudo. The group had the tough task of first getting into "flow" in training with Bokken and then go through the first 6 Tandoku kihon for Jo.

Although Sunday's training lasted until 17:00. We now need to train diligently for weeks to keep this in mind and get in the flow in the techniques.

All certainly learned that in Yoshinken which is an "Internal Martial Art" and that "With the freedom in Yoshinken comes great responsibility."
