    SHIN-NEN-KEIKO, 14 January 2012    


The First training (Keiko) of the new year

The group where gathered for Shin-nen-keiko 2012 after a very dynamic year. After a warm welcoming at Rävlanda, we proceeded with taking the anual written test.

The test was follwed by dinner and a presentation by each Yoshinken member on an personal subject tied to Yoshinken. The trend from previous years continued, with a broader perspective as welll as a deeper understanding of Yoshinken.

We closed Saturday night by watching a French produced DVD film showing sifu Cui Rui Bin demonstrating Yi-chuan. We also watched a film by Fight Science comparing different arts like snake, praying mantis, tiger, monkey style with parkour.




Sunday morning was for many of us from Stockholm the first visit to Slotts skogen-dojo. The training consisted of pair practice, in Ritsuzen, Yuri, Hai and Neri.

The training ended and we went to Café Tintin for a good brunch and the social part of Taikiken / Yoshinken, which was very nice. Many thanks to Sensei Marshall for the event, good food and a good training start for the new year.

//Matts Rentzhog