A Glimpse Back in Time - - - 50 years - - -
This year is rather special to me because:
• 50 years have passed since I became interested, fascinated. involved
in the Asian Martial Arts known as Budo and Wushu.
• The karate dojo started 1957 in Taradale, Napier, New Zealand with
the original members - Ray Fredriksen, Paul von Stroheim, Ken McLennan,
Fred Coulter, David Moyes, Gordon Larkins and myself, known as the
Napier Karate club still exists today but at a different address, and
now trains Goju Ryu karate affiliated to Sensei Morio Higoanna.
• YOSHINKEN will be officially 5 years old this summer.
• My friendship and budo commitment with my very good friend and
brother in the martial arts - Sensei Jan Kallenbach will soon cover 40
years of regular and considerable varied experiences.
• First contact with Sensei Yoshimichi Sato made at the Kyokushinkai
Honbu Dojo in 1965.
From the New Zealanders I began training with I am the only one still
active today, although I still have a good contact with Ken McLennan,
Fred Coulter and my oldest NZ “mate” Paul von Stroheim. Yoshinken is
the result of these 50 years and very closely involved in the
foundation were Sensei Jan Kallenbach and Sensei Yoshimichi Sato who I
am proud to have such dedicated budo friends, they have been a
continual source of inspiration.
Special sensei who I have met and had opportunity to train with should
be named:
Soshi Kenichi Sawai: Jujutsu-Iaijutsu-Kenjutsu-Judo
–Taiki Shisei Kenpo
Sosai Masutatsu Oyama: Korean Kenpo-Judo-Shotokan-Goju karate - Kyokushinkai
Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura: Kyokushinkai –Kobudo - Seido Jukkyu Karate
Sensei Arthur Koji Hisatake: Kyokushinkai
Sensei Donn Draeger: Jujutsu -Judo -Karate -Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo -Katori Shinto Ryu
Hanshi Steve Arneil: Judo-Boxing-Kenpo – Kyokushinkai – IFK
Sensei Norimasa Iwama: Karate-Shorinryu-Taikiken
Sensei Pascal Krieger: Judo-Iaido-Shindo
Muso Ryu Jodo
Sifu Cui Rui Bin: Wushu -
Sifu Dao Siming: Wushu -
Sifu Li Jian Yu: Wushu -
I must also mention another good friend in Budo and dedicated Karate
master – Shihan Ingo De Jong Goju Kai who I have enjoyed every meeting
with him since he and his partner Ann came to Sweden in the early
There are so many styles, organizations, within the martial arts, many
are very unique in their own special way but this is due to those who
are and have been the practitioners, so this is why I think of first of
the person and then of the ryu, style, or organization they represent.
More often than not these sensei/sifu have been very much involved in
two or more other disciplines, and probably this contact has formed
their final choice to where their development and future lies.
One notable exception to this is Shihan Risuke Otake of Shinden Katori
Shinto Ryu who belongs to a long tradition of masters in this ryu who
have trained all their lives in this Cultural Treasure of Japan I met
Sensei Otake through Sensei Donn Draeger, both these sensei were of the
highest caliber a budoka could hope to meet.
My point being, to be an all-round budoka you should meet-listen-train
with respected sensei/sifu in other systems whenever possible not so
much as to leave your chosen art but to see what you are doing and
where are you going in your budo.
“Do not be afraid to go outside
your own house”
“Challenge yourself - do not become too comfortable “
“To experience enlightenment and inspiration throughout life you must
travel in mind and body “
I have even read that some masters have even opened their door to let
their chosen student leave
to gain experience in all ways, to prove himself, to test what he has
learned to date, does he believe in what he has done and where does the
path lead to now ? I have not seen this in reality, and have difficulty
in seeing the dojo´s of today encouraging members to walk out –
but – there is a lot of sense in the idea. (apart from the economic
side of course).
Karate has grown and changed immensely over these 50 years, and I see
this with mixed feelings
competition has been one of the major influences, gradings are another,
and ego the third.
When I came to Sweden in 1968 there
were very few who had even heard of karate let alone trained, my
co-operation with Sensei Attila Meszaros was an extremely interesting,
and enjoyable time in
introducing Kyokushinkai karate, building SKK, the entry into the SBF,
national and international tournaments, and training camps. My 5 years
as the first Team Manager/Coach for the SBF Karatesektionen were also a
good challenge and a most interesting time when all-style tournament
karate was starting, and an experience I’m glad I had the chance to be
a part of.
My first generation of students including Karl-Henrik Robért,
Gerard Versteegh, Bertil & Göran
Friberg, Henrik Forss, Thomas Sonnenfeldt, Christer Lagergren, went on
to be very successful in their chosen careers, after several of them
placing highest in the karate tournaments of their time, but
unfortunately active budo is not on their programme today. At the same
time I am very happy that budo karate has given some strength and
perspective for the rest of their lives.
When I think of how it all started in Napier
NZ I was very fortunate in having the “right people “
with me, Paul von Stroheim ( photographer and former NZ weightlifting
champion ) saw karate for the first time when a group from a Japanese
naval ship visit to Sydney , Australia gave a demonstration, this
inspiring action was transferred over to us when Paul came back to NZ
and contact was made with Ray Fredriksen a school teacher who was a
Shodan judoka guided us into the Japanese fighting arts through his
knowledge in judo, Ken McLennan was the local traffic police officer,
Fred Coulter was the local postmaster, and Gordon Larking radio /stereo
sales and service shop owner ( incidentally Gordon had only one leg
having lost the other in a motorbike accident ) but he was really
effective in free fighting !! this proved to be a very dedicated and
sincere group. We took contact around the country with any karate club
that was interested to meet us – Kumite (free-fighting) was the main
objective –no referee, we continued until one gave up – very simple
rules, no attack to the eyes or the groin.
We later visited all Japanese ships which came to Napier’s port and
through this way we came into contact with several Japanese systems, we
bought the only available books written on karate – The Art Of Empty
Hand Fighting by Hidetaka Nishiyama and What is Karate by Masutatsu
Oyama these became our karate “bibles” and were the basis for our
beliefs on how karate should be and lived - we could not have done
better as time later showed – both these books are classics in the
karate world. The only reason I went to Kyokushinkai karate Honbu Dojo
there was an address in the book and a seaman from one of the visiting
Japanese boats took contact with Oyama sensei for me and arranged that
I could become a Kyokushinkai karateka at Honbu Dojo in Ikebukuro,
Tokyo 1965. This was an unbelievable experience for a young 21 year old
“Kiwi” from a small town of 20,000 coming to Tokyo’s metropolitan of 10
million inhabitants.
“From a frying pan into the fire
This became a test in many ways, and only those who have traveled alone
to a country with different culture, language, traditions, food, and
stay for some time in my case 6 months will understand what the mind
and body goes through.
A few memorable experiences in Japan 1965 were
the regular evening “keiko” when up to 30 black belts fought us all in
a lineup - the karate demonstration at Mr E.Sato then Prime Minister’s
residence, I was the only “gaijin” (foreigner) in the group it was held
in his beautiful traditional garden complete with fish pond - my first
grading which lasted more than 8 hours mainly sitting on the knees –
and then required to do fighting! My first visit to the Public Bath
House where not knowing the correct procedure I provided much
entertainment for the local people - my first serious Kumite with
Sensei Nakamura – full contact with practically all techniques allowed.
One day no sempai was present and Sosai Oyama told me “You teach now! “
Osu !! Quite a feeling, but somehow it worked out OK. As a passenger in
Sosai´s car when he drove was an experience all in itself - it
was an English Humber with steering column gear change, I was
fascinated that the car could take such forceful driving!! and he loved
to listen to the Sumo Basho on the car radio – he seemed to know some
of the sumotori and encouraged or degraded them while we traveled in
his car. After training every day I stopped at a milkbar by the railway
station in Ikebukuro where I drank 5-6 bottles of Coffee Milk much to
the amazement of all, so that the guy serving there always reserved “my
bottles” for me, watching and applauding every time in English “ You -
best customer “
My first Japanese breakfast complete with fried black crickets, some
small similarly prepared birds complete with beak and legs, and other
items which I had never seen before and never wanted to find out –
close the eyes - I ate everything I was so hungry!!
As the saying goes “When in Rome do as the
Romans “
Being the host in Sweden for the Bujutsu / Kobudo group tour during
summer 1980 when a group of very
special sensei from Japan including Shihan Risuke Otake, his son
Nobutoshi, and Yutaro Shinozaki from Shinden Katori Shinto Ryu,
Kaminoda Sensei from Shindo Muso Ryu,
Sensei Tiki Shewan from USA and the leader for the group Sensei Donn
Draeger. All stayed at my house in Skokloster for 2 weeks, gave two 2
hour demonstrations of Bujutsu / Kobudo to a fully packed sport hall in
Solna - an experience never witnessed before and never again by these
distinguished masters. They also gave training in kobudo, detailed
explanations, and even valuation of any swords brought to them from the
participants. Their visit was an unforgettable experience, and to get
to know them personally away from the dojo – this gave an insight as to
what a real budo sensei is. I have a very clear picture of Otake sensei
returning from a long walk in a nearby forest with a plastic bag filled
with what I thought looked like weeds! he then proceeded to make a most
delicious nutritious salad explaining what each “weed” was good for –
he had only been in Sweden 4 days!!
Later when I went to Japan/Okinawa/Malaysia in 1981 I invited my former student Michael
Söderkvist (now a 5th Dan Shihan in Kyokushinkai) to come with me.
Sensei Donn Draeger opened doors in so many ways making this another
unique experience. In Okinawa we trained Bo-Sai-Tonfa personally with
one of Ryukyu Islands KarateKobudo legends – Sensei Akamine. Michael
& I attended the Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo camp in Ipoh, Malaysia when
we met all the students of Draeger Sensei, over the years he had built
up a very high standard of Jodo amongst the Malaysian Budo and Wushu
Michael has done a commendable work in continuing on from me in leading
the Swedish Jodo group affiliated to Sensei Pascal Krieger in
Switzerland another fine master in Budo and close friend to Draeger
Sensei Donn Draeger´s death in October 1982 was a tragedy and terrible loss to the Martial Art community, his
position could never be replaced with his knowledge, expertise, humor,
& personality but one of his closest students Mr. Hunter “Chip”
Armstrong has continued on along the path of his sensei, as has another
deshi Sensei Karuna in Malaysia following the teachings in SMR Jodo.
Throughout the majority of these years in Europe & Asia I have
immensely enjoyed the brothership and inspiration from Sensei Jan
Kallenbach we have enjoyed, trained, sweated, eaten ( we enjoy all
types oft cuisine ), studied, filmed, laughed and fought our way around
many countries without a single bad word between us, this is quite
unique, our bond of friendship is very special. As is our two Brother
dojo´s – Shinbuken and Yoshinken encouraged by our dear friend
Sensei Yoshimichi Sato.
When I left Stockholm in 1989 for
Gothenburg another chapter ended in my Martial Art world leaving Oyama Karate Kai in Solna after 20 years was no easy departure, many memories, many students, many achievements,
I had excellent students who became friends away from the dojoa few I
have already mentioned earlier, but others who stand out were Kent
Wallermo, Lars Erik Lindholm, Roland Brådhe, Sacki &
Stylianos Isakidis, Peter Ericsson, Bengt Schubert, Thomas Wiberg,
Kenneth Lundin, Christer Gunnarsson, Jan Hallstenson, all contributed
to the success of OKK. Four special Kyokushinkai sensei who visited OKK
were Sensei Hisatake and his wife Sensei Gudrun, Sensei Steve Arneil
(the first to accomplish the 100 man Kumite), and Sensei Jan
Two special deshi stand out – Lars Sjöberg and Åke Wall.
Lars took over the responsibility for OKK and through hard determined
efforts has succeeded very well since 1989, and has developed his
karate to the level of 3rd Dan Sensei. It was therefore a pleasure to
have Lars join me for the special tour to Japan in 2004 to meet several
of my Japanese budo friends especially in Taikiken.
Åke is in fact the oldest deshi still training for me, with life
experience of a family father and 3 wonderful children, a member of the
Solna Judo Club for several years, and a football coach as well, joined
me in the foundation of Yoshinken 5 years ago and has been responsible
for the Stockholm group he shows great interest, inspiration, and
dedication in leading a wonderful group of budoka from a mixed
background in the Japanese budo and Chinese Wushu systems.
The journey to China in 1993 was a
goal achieved going to the roots of Taikiken, and believed to be the
origin and influence to many of the Japanese fighting arts. Master Cui
Rui Bin was very kind to me and gave a lot of his time and ” chí
“ in explaining Yiquan – even a regular student who helped me as
translator told me he had never learnt so much himself as during those
few weeks we had together. Sifu Cui was one of Master Yao Zong
Zhun´s best students & Master Yao was a brother Boxer to
Sawai sensei during his many years in China. Through Master Cui I also
had the privilege together with my brother kenpoka Jan Kallenbach to
met another well known Yiquan master Dao Si Ming who was one of the top
closest students to Grandmaster Wang Xiang Zhai, this was quite an
emotional meeting as Sifu Dao remembered Sawai sensei very well and
spoke to us about those years.
The contact with Yiquan masters gave me another dimension in Taikiken
and my life and I’m most grateful to Sifu Cui Rui Bin, Sifu Dao Siming
and later Sifu Li Jian Yu another special master with unique qualities
shown in his expertise in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy,
special natural healing methods, follower of the Moslem faith as well
as one of the very few living personal students to Grandmaster Wang
Xiang Zhai. Master Cui came a few times to Europe and twice to Sweden,
Master Li came to France through the initiative of a very good teacher
in the Chinese and Japanese
Fighting arts Sensei Jean-Luc Leseuer.
The unforgettable trip to Japan in 2004 I have written with photo’s here on this web site, it could not have
been better or maybe just more time to enjoy it further.
Now I am into the Yoshinken chapter of my development and this is as I’ve said before the result of the
accumulated years of experience and knowledge, and hope that together
with my wonderful students we will enjoy and experience many years at
least as rewarding as the ones I have been very fortunate in having so
This is a long article but the
excuse is ---- 50 years!
Marshall McDonagh